Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Answered a question asked by a kid ...!

In our school, preparations for the Golden Jubilee are going on. A lot of our time, is spent sitting with participants and managing them, mostly till the time, their turn comes. A girl student of Class IX (who is a volunteer) asked me, if I get bore, while sitting with these kids. I told her that what I am doing here is my job. It's duty which is assigned to me and I can't be bored here. Being bored and not liking something is a part of home stuff.

I liked the look on her face, as she was receptive of what I had said.

I love my job, as I can truly make a difference, without denying the fact that very few kids have the capability to listen to what the teacher says, leave apart understanding it. But, I am doing my bit and I am proud of myself.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Everything, in the end, comes down to business, these days...!

I attended the Parents' Orientation Programme in the school today. It was all going well, but in the end, it came down to business/marketing/advertising gimmick/propaganda. 'Advertising' is the buzzword these days.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Kids made me feel special on Karwachauth...!

All the teachers were dressed up beautifully, on the occasion of Karwachauth, yesterday, in school. I was dressed up in my usual way, wore a suit with red in it. As kids (girls and boys, who said for the first time)  on Std. VI saw me, they came running and told me that I was looking beautiful. I replied telling them that how can I look beautiful, other teachers are looking so beautiful. They said collectively that "Simplicity has its own beauty". I felt special and thanked them.

Due to the happenings in my personal life, I am sad these days. But, liked what kids said and that brought smile on my lips.

Friday, September 5, 2014

PM's speech on Teacher's Day

PM mainly said to keep schools clean with the co-operation of students and teachers and he recommended to inculcate the habit of reading, mainly life stories of successful people in their respective fields.

What I didn't agree was he mentioning that media made a brohaha of kids cleaning toilets in some particular place in India. What I want him to know is that it is the intention which matters. What he needs to understand is with what intention was the cleaning done by the kids. Was it actually to clean the toilets so that schools can be kept clean or was that a deliberate work of some bad teachers ? And why didn't teachers participate to clean the school, why only kids?

He also mentioned about people from different fields who could come and give classes to the students, may be once in a week. Can that help in taking up the standard of teaching in India? What are you thinking Mr. PM ?

He also mentioned that kids, today, are not interested in becoming teachers, but he didn't come up with any solution for the same.

I could not find anything inspirational.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

the ones who r friends with me in school are elderly or a few r busy with kids, who don't hv time for fb....

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

As I hear around, that kids cheat when they reach at the graduate level, I loose hope in the hard work that I am putting in. I try to instill moral values, even while teaching Science, however education itself is loosing ground. 

It scares me to think that kids who will study till Std. 7 and will start earning money later, equivalent to someone who is a graduate (for eg.) can go for an equivalent degree to graduation. This was a suggestion by PM Modi. Then, what about teaching Gender Sensitisation in Std. 11 and 12?

There cannot be a replacement for Education! Be stern with teachers! Don't play with the future of kids, who are the most gullible and vulnerable section of the society.

They are planning to open IIT in every state! Won't the value of IITs diminish on it's own! Why would any student work hard for it and face the hardships of staying away from their families and in turn learn the ways of leading an independent and responsible life ?

An open letter to the teachers of my daughter

Before the Orientation, we, teachers, were given this letter to read.

My dear teachers,

It appears you had difficulty understanding my daughter, and being her responsible father, who may clearly see her flaws and weaknesses, I am trying to reply to someone of the direct and indirect questions you posed to my daughter during the last one year. Before I begin, I would like to remind you that may be my child is having some problems related to carelessness and she may be less focused compared with your favorite children, but each child is unique and has their own aptitude to bring to the world. Our duty is to help the child being out those talents and encourage them to develop their own individuality. All the time we don't have to agree with them but making them understand the same with a little care and support may give them more confidence to explore ideas on their own. 

You had a problem why my daughter laughs a lot. Please permit me to mention here that now her unfortunate father is searching for her lost smile for the last few months. I am sorry for the inconvenience (which you may have considered trouble), if any, you had because of my daughter, but it should be understood how much she means to me. I taught her to laugh when she is happy, I taught her to laugh when she is sad, I taught her to laugh when things do not happen as she wanted and I taught her to laugh at herself every time she made a mistake.

You made a strange discovery that my little girl is having giraffe legs. As she is growing so fast, I sometimes wonder where my little girl is. I taught her that she should stand tall and be confident and proud and never feel any fear; she still has to walk a million miles to achieve all her dreams and goals. You told her that the entire staff room knows that she would walk up to the Principal if you scold her. A fact you must know is that with God's love in her heart and parents' courage in her soul, and your school's Principal as her ideal, she feels comfortable to open her mind. In fact, I see her as one of millions of kids who will build a strong and happy India. Today we need our young people to speak their mind, not just listen to the leaders, but ask questions, tough questions, so tomorrow they become a source of courage and happiness to others.

It seems you always find her a happy-go-lucky girl student with a bad handwriting who also keeps her bag and books carelessly in the classroom. I may agree with you here but cracking jokes about her and asking her best friend how she could tolerate my little child is unbecoming of you as a teacher and such behaviour is unwarranted and uncalled for.

During the last PTA, you had a complaint that my child is always interested in taking part in the school's extra-curricular activities and annual day functions. To the best of my knowledge, students should always be advised to participate in extra-curricular activities such as sports, debates and d discussions because these activities would help in all-round personality development. I am also surprised that in this 21st century you still follow the age-old formula as they say in Hindi :"kheloge kudoge hoge kharab".

Just a few days ago, during her final exams, you asked the classroom whether anyone had any query regarding the question paper and when my daughter raised her hand, it appears you told her she herself is a problem thus belittling her in the class and giving the classroom a chance to laugh at her cost, and this was not the first time she faced this humiliation. I am deeply sad to say your unwarranted behavior shattered her confidence and now she hesitates to ask even basic questions. I am still wondering if the school authorities have bestowed upon you any right to belittle my child in front of her class. All children are God's gift and as a teacher you should have the patience to treat them all alike and to instill in them loads and loads of confidence, but not to shatter it.

The mental abuse of a child is as bad and abusive and dangerous as physical punishment. Because it could put a comma, may be even a full stop, to her mental growth and development.

Don't you understand that by your unkind and unreasonable behavior you are stalling the mental development of a child through your misunderstanding of a corrigible deficiency in a child? I hope you agree that making fun of a student repeatedly in front of her classmates is as bad as mental torture. Such behavior on the part of a teacher is deplorable and such a person does not deserve to be called a teacher. By such behavior, you are in fact stalling their growth instead of allowing them to blossom. Perhaps the school and the society can do better without such teachers if they don't mend their ways.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the teacher instead of insulting and rebuking children in front of their class (and thereby stalling there mental growth) should work for the development of the children. Instead of belittling them, help them understand about the wonderful gift of human life, build strong roots in them about the social, ethical and moral values of life, about their positive participation in the inclusive growth of school life, family, society and the nation. Teachers who cannot participate in building the life of the students have no place in society. The society is in need of teachers who treat their students with an equal eye, love, compassion, understanding and consideration, and not teachers who belittle them in front of their class and thereby destroy there confidence and future.

A teacher has to be full of love and compassion towards his/her students and treat them as his/her own children and work for their all round personality development. For your relief, I would like to inform you that I am withdrawing my daughter from your school and for my little happiness, my daughter is responding well to the counsellor and now she has agreed to leave this school with the condition that she will visit all her friends once a month. I am sad to say your sarcasm won once again and another poor child lost, but hopefully after reading this letter you may consider putting a full stop, and not a comma, to incidents like this.